Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 2024

 Sorry for the lateness here. The start of the month has been busy for me. Let's jump in shall we?

First off, old news: AR9 came out last month, this time I went with a preorder to see how it affected sales rankings on Amazon. I hit as the top 8 overall in the kindle store. Which was amazing and might get me to do 2-week preorders in the future. The downside was the quicker drop off in the store over the first week, but everything has to have a downside.
Still AR has done what I always expect Aether's to do, holding as my best-selling series. I won't have my 1st 30-day numbers until later this month, but I fully expect it to sit right alongside it's brethren. And I look forward to continuing the story when it comes back around in rotation.

Still on Aether's news, the audio book is going to start being recorded this month. Andie will do her best as always, but that still pushes it to a December release...probably.
And for those asking about audio for LV8. I had to make a choice between series here, and honestly AR is my flagship, while LV is coming to a close. Andie will get to LV8, but it was the one that got bumped around due to scheduling issues. No ETA on it being recorded at this time, but we will get there eventually.

The next book up is Heavenly Chaos 2: Fighting Past Pain. The preview chapters have started up on Patreon already. The current release date was mid-November, but as I've done in the past, I'll be looking to shift it up.
That does bring up a point of scheduling though, so let me address it now. Starting next year, I'll be shifting to a 3-book rotation when LV ends with the next book. This will let me get 2 books per series out every year going forward. As with all things this will be new-ish, as I've done 4 books for years now. If I find I need a 4-book rotation then I'll go back to that, but I'm going to stick with the every 2-month schedule instead of trying to push them out as fast as possible.
The schedule will be every even month on the 1st. This will make it far easier for you to know when the new book is coming out, and easier for me and my editors to plan around. It'll give us a little more wiggle room to get things lined up, but also give us a firmer deadline. I hope it works out.

For those who read that last bit the schedule for this year going into next looks like... HC2, AL4, LV9, AR10, HC3, AL5, AR11, HC3... and repeat until AL ends, because out of all my current series-besides LV- it is the most likely one to end next.
I have series waiting to be released, but no idea yet which one exactly I'll drop into the slot when it opens up. I've considered retooling my Grafting Demons series to drop dungeons out of it, so I can run it alongside HC without having 2 dungeon-esque stories going at the same time. The undercurrent of the story would work without the dungeons so I think it should be fine.

That is all the book stuff for now. I can say that the giveaways for my 8-years published were a success at this point. Over 100 people entered on Facebook and nearly 100 did on Discord. I'll be contacting the winners and giving out their prizes in the coming week.

Okay last thing to touch on, as it's right around the corner. The Author Nation convention in Vegas this November. I will be there on the Friday for the Rave, the Reader-author meet and greet plus book signing that is happening. I have a few discount codes for people attending. Message me on Facebook or Discord to get one of the codes, I only have a few so please only message me if you are going.

Okay that's it for now, I'll see you in November.
Stay safe out there, and see you next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

1 comment:

  1. Currently, AL is my favorite series out of your books. AR is second with BW coming in third. I hope you can continue AL 10+ books.
