Monday, April 1, 2024

April 2024

 Oopsy, forgot to get this prepared ahead of time. Then again life has been bust for me on a personal level. Let's get to the books stuff shall we?

First off we're looking at the new series Heavenly Chaos launching this month. It'll hit Amazon by the 17th if not a little sooner. It's a western cultivation fantasy with some sci-fi elements, because why not fold a few things into a series. It'll follow the MC, Benedict as he finds himself thrust into the role of being a Sphere Holder, giving him the chance to climb toward the Heavens. But Benedict's life before he had a Sphere was...unpleasant...yeah that's say that, instead of torment and torture.
He'll be heading to secondary education to learn the basics and begin the process of delving Pockets to empower himself up the ranks. But what is a series with just a loner, not my series is what kind. Which is why we'll stay n brand in romance, but this time the relationships will be much smaller than any time before, minus Last Horizons. It'll be a three-person, or throuple, eventually and stay at that for the series. Reasons why unfold in the series.
I should note that it is a "SLOW BURN" romance, so you are warned ahead of time. Whether or not it'll be my usual style or a full "Fade-to-Black" is still up in the air. I'd like to hit a wider crowd, so am considering leaving it as FtB for the entire series. We'll see as the story unfolds.
The last thing of note is that it harkens back to mental health. As stated above Benedict's life has been shit before he became a Holder. Which means we'll see him trying to move forward even with massive trauma in his life. I don't think I do anything to graphic, but it should be noted that mental health and trauma are a key part of the series.

If you're going to ask audio, it'll be done through Podium, but with Andie as the narrator. So it'll take some time, but good news is that we still get Andie to do it.

Staying on audio for a moment, Aether's is with the audio editor. Which means I'll get it back this month, and then Andie will do corrections. If we're really lucky it'll drop by the end of the month, or if nor early-ish May.

As for what comes after Heavenly Chaos, well that's going to be Antecedents' Legacy 3: Terran Tactics. It's with the editors and was a lot of fun to write. It's a little shorter than normal, but still right in my usual range. I hope you are all looking forward to more Zander.

I've moved onto Luck's Voice 8: Emerita Divided. What a book to write, and the series isn't done yet. I can say for certain the series will end with book 9, reaching the conclusion I envisioned from the start. For those who were hoping for a few books in Tsarrus and Qin, I apologize, but that wasn't my vision for the series. We'll see a time skip to Doc returning to Emerita at the start of Book 8. Even then, I hope you enjoy a book that shows major movement in the country and beyond.

When I finish with Luck's Voice 8, I'll be moving onto Aether's Revival 9: title unknown at this point. I've been eager to get back to Gregory and family, as I know you are. There was a lot up in the air at the end of book 8, but don't expect a quick rush to the answers you are hoping for. I can tell you there's a lot more to get to before what was talked about right at the end of book 8.

That's the book and audio news, but there's another big thing this month.
I'm at JordanCon from April 19-21 in Atlanta.
They started a LITRPG book track this year and I was asked to attend, so I'm going. At least 4 panels for me to speak on, and if things work out, I'll have something new to hand out while I'm there. If not I'll feel bad, but I will have tried.

Okay that wraps up news about book stuff and cons for the month. I'll try not to be late on the blog next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books


  1. looking really forward to the new series Heavenly Chaos. Keep up the good work :-) Hope your life gets better again

  2. Just wanted to say Heavenly Chaos was a very good book, thanks for writing it.
    As to the decision whether to go full FTB for the series, my vote is for not doing that. There are too many authors out there who seem to think intimate scenes are dirty or something, and that just annoys me. But *shrug*, that's just my opinion. You have to do what's right for you, and I'll be reading the books anyway.

    Have a great day :)

    1. It's clear from my other books I don't fall into that category. I hope you continue to enjoy HC regardless of how it goes.

  3. I most certainly will. I've read everything you've written that's readily available, and I can't think of any one of them that I haven't enjoyed.
    So, thanks for that :)

  4. Thank you for the update and as always for the awesome stories!!!
