Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 2020

Good gods its already July. Well let's get to it shall we?

Okay first news is that Luck's Voice was well received. It has done more than enough to earn it's spot in being written. I have been very happy that you have all enjoyed it as much as you have. I was worried the themes might not be a big hit, but the Western OP Harem looks like it'll work out.

In a week or three the next book will be released. It's Binding Words 5: Flame of War. The beta readers have finished with it, and the proofer is working on it. It'll get handed off to the compiler/formatter at that point, then I'll get it.
I really enjoyed this one I think it helps get the story moving into some of the bigger plot points. My beta readers were upset that the books ended, but every story has to break at some point, so the next one can be written.
The audio for it will of course be done by Andie, but it's going to be a bit for her to get to it.

Speaking of Andie, she's started recording Aether's Revival 1. If you wonder about how much work goes into the polish gem she gives us, you should hop over to her discord for a listen.
Staying on the topic of Aether's I'm getting to the end of book 2. It's taken me a bit longer then anticipated to get there, 122,000+ words and counting, and I'm still not done. It's probably going to clock in right near the same length of the first book. I've really been enjoying the series and hope you all do too.

As for what comes after AR2 for me...AG7. AG7 is going to mark the shift in how AG gets handled. It'll be going to a once a year release, until the story reaches a point where I'm happy with setting it down for a bit. I know this is sad news for a lot of you, but frankly, it's become my least loved series by sales and reads. It was going to happen eventually, little sad it's already starting to decline as harshly as it has. But I will get them to finish the America Story Arcs I had planned if nothing else.

Luck's Voice 2 will be slotted into rotation after AG7, and then it will take over a full rotation spot. While the 4th spot will get rotated between AG and something else for me to test style of books.
Oh before I forget, remember that AG7 audio is already on preorder, and goes live in mid July. If you love the audio and want it, grab it soon.

Different news. With all the shit going on in the world right now. I'll be missing Dragoncon, if the con even goes forward. There's just too much uncertainty to put in the money and time for it, if things all fall apart. So for those who were looking forward to catching me at it, I won't be there this year. Hopefully next year things have stabilized enough for it to happen.

The live chat on Facebook is going to be held July 15th, a Wednesday, at 7PM PDT. If you can stop by for it you should, people get free swag from me.

Just a quick drop of links were you can find all the stuff connected to me:

Thanks for checking in with me. Stay safe, and I'll be back next month.
Daniel Schinhofen


  1. Thanks for sharing another detailed update; it is so awesome being able to get insight into your work and release cycle. I am buzzed to hear that Luck's Voice, AR and BW are doing so well, with future installments to come. I confess to being one of your fans that did not take well to the AG series, so am a tad happy to hear more time will be spent to the aforementioned series, all of which I enjoy greatly. I was thinking about why I did not take to the AG series (only read the first three) and think it may have been due to the quality of the main harem characters, such as Gothie (may be spelled wrong). That being said, the idea was great and seems to have struck accord with me when I read Mr Futch's Power Series. Have a great month Daniel and stay safe too!

  2. I'm happy you take the time to get the books to where you want them to be, even if it takes longer (and probably pushes up production costs). Most self-published books end up being a bit short for my tastes.

    Also super glad you are planning on getting AG to at least a good resting spot, if not conclusion. I'll miss the more frequent releases, for what its worth I really liked the characters, and think it deserves more success than it is apparently having. But I'm also excited for more AR and LV releases, and now that Andrea's finished with Wandering Inn 2, I'm eager for the audio (though I'm sure there is still a fair wait for LV, with what, two Arand books, Take Two, and I'm sure others in line)

  3. Just finished Binding Words 5 and OMG. yea that ending though now is going to keep me awake the next few nights. Can't wait for the next one to be wrote up and the story to be continued i hope it is around for awhile because the world that you have made and the people you have filled it with has been a roller coaster. keep up the great work on all your projects.

  4. OK, forgive me but I'm going to channel my inner Janus. BW5 was awesome you just keep the amazing coming with this series. Now by Grabthar's Hammer one more of those dang cliffhangers and by the Sons of Warvan I will have vengeance. If it wasn't for AR and LV coming up I'd start a petition "BW cliffhanger relief". I got behind at work and stayed up way to late only to try will a few more pages to appear, dirty pool mister dirty pool. Jokes aside well done once again, stay safe and keep up the good work.

  5. I cannot beLIEVE you ended BW5 on such a cliffhanger! Such a great book, excellent writing again. The slice of life really helps flesh out the characters and allows the reader to emotionally invest in them, and it makes the danger hit harder than if we just rushed from one big plot resolution to the next. Well done, and you BETTER get working on the next one in this series post-haste!

  6. Just finished book 5. It was well done except for the ending. I get leaving tension for the next novel, but not even telling us which of the main characters live or die is half-assed crap. I expected better sadly.

    1. Sorry to disappoint you, but that was the break point I went with.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love AG almost as much as BW and will be sad if its rushed just to finish the story. Please finish it in ebook form if you have to stop the audio due to lack of sales. Thanks for all the great work. Ignore the people that can't accept how great your ending of BW 5 was. It ended on a sliver of hope if people reread the ending the fact he got to finish the kill off as well made it a very satisfying and frustrating ending. The wait for the next book will hard.

    1. I'm not going to rush anything. It'll end at the point I wanted to finish the United States arc I had in mind originally.

  9. Great work on BW5. Despite what some people said, while it is a cliff hanger ending, its one I like.:)

    Any chance you could do more to describe the characters? I mean right now I see Lady & Lord Sharpeyes like Oberon from Gargoyles.

    Beyond that please keep up the good work, and thanks for the sale on one of your other novels. As someone who had to rebudget things that was a pleasant surprise.

    1. I try to let the reader create the characters in their heads as much as possible. Which is why you have sparse descriptions.
      As for sales, if the series has 3 or more books in it i try to run a sale on it when the next one is coming out to make it easier on people to catch up on the series.

  10. I'm a proponent of less is more, something gets lost in overly worded descriptions.

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