Saturday, September 15, 2018

Update September 2018

Just one thing that has to be updated. The website is finally up and running, minus the store. Here it is, enjoy.


  1. First I like to say love your first book series, it even mad me tear up. I also really love our AW series, and AG series is good to. AG series hit the need for fast action story, but Aw is your best series so fare for me. MB is a great start to. Now I like to ask about Kindle Unlimited

  2. I know many LITRPG left KIndle Unlimited and know why. Can't say I blame them. However I notice several authors have come back or split with some on some off. Is there any hope you returning to KU. If not I understand I'll just have to suck it up and buy. You on my top author list so I don't mind, and your pages vs price is fair.

  3. I'm a big re-reader, I like to re-read a series before next book comes out. I've read AW twice so far and I planed to do again for book 6. Now as I said will buy your new books, but I'm on a budget and a few books a month when you included others is my limit. I try to keep it at 10.00 a month, sometimes go over so next time I go under. I hate to blow my budget on books I read some more than once. If you have know plans to rejoin KU, I ask that maybe offer AW first 5 in a bundle at reduce cost. I happily buy a bundle deal. Thank you😊

  4. Sorry for spelling, big fingers and auto correct

    1. Kevin,
      I'm not sure if I will return to KU. I've seen some of the authors do so, and I'm not ashamed to say I'm going to let them test the waters first. I'll make a decision by the end of the year on that stand.
      As for a bundle, I might do something like that but it wouldn't be until the series is done.

  5. Thanks for the info. At first I bought books from another's who left, but after my anger at Amazon for the banning left I realized don't have budget and some not at that level. There ok on KU but quality and pages vs price just not there. Your quality is to high not to buy. Plus you good on your prices vs pages. Yes Amazon are being dicks but without them and KU I never found you. KU is like the used book store. 90% of my reading came from them.

    1. I completely understand. I don't fault readers for using KU, its great value for you, but not so much for authors in the long run. Maybe I'll go back in time, but I want to make sure Amazon has cooled their damned ban and suspension happy ways first.
