Wow we've made it to May. Let's hope the year keeps rolling smoothly.
Let's jump into book news first. Heavenly Chaos 1: Heavenly Chaos came out last month on the 10th. I was nervous the first few days but it picked up and ran like a boss. It became my 2nd best book 1 ever. I'm stoked for doing more in the series, and am glad so many people enjoyed it.
Heavenly Chaos 1: Heavenly Chaos
I will tell you Andrea is already working on the audio, as it's going through Podium. They're working on getting a preorder up, so keep an eye on social media and Audible if you want to lock one in early. It seems the preorder is up, with a release on June 18th.
Since I was speaking of audio, let me inform you that Aether's Revival 8: Proven Strength is recorded and with ACX. Andie did amazing work, as she always does. It dropped yesterday, so wow...
Okay let's talk about what is coming up, Antecedents' Legacy 3: Terran Tactics is the next book coming out. As always it has chapters up on Patreon currently. The book is slated for June 17th, but will likely get pushed closer to the start of June as things progress.
AL3 gets us back with Zander riding high off winning the tournament, but not everything is going to be smooth for him. I'm looking forward to how everyone enjoys the twists and turns that are coming up. I can say that Zander does meet a Terran in this one, so be ready for Alt-Earth information.
I've already pushed on to Luck's Voice 8: Emerita Divided. Doc coming back to Emerita after his years in Tsarrus and Qin. If you expected to see those countries, I'm here to inform you that those years are recapped not shown on screen. LV has always been a western series for me so I wanted to keep it as focused on Emerita as I could. This book leads up to LV9 which will close the series out. I love it when the whole story gets to unfold, the unexpected moments here will be a shock for you.
Now while my editors work diligently on those I've just started on Aether's Revival 9. Not sure what the title will be yet, but Gregory has a lot on his plate right after book 8. It'll be a journey to see how he handles politics and the unexpected. I'm so stoked for it, I can't wait to dig into Greg's story more for him to tell me what the fuck he does next.
And then once I finish writing that it'll be back to Heavenly Chaos. Book 2 is already written and waiting for its turn in the editing queue, which means I'll jump into writing book 3. I can't wait to get back to benedict too, his story is just humming away in the back of my mind just waiting to be let loose again. Ben and Greg are just driven that way.
Okay that is all the book stuff, let me touch on a few other topics.
JordanCon was a success for the LITRPG community, and also for me. I took 500 books of Heavenly Chaos to give away, yes paperbacks. I managed to hand out 300 of them, so good for me. Drained me completely, talking to so many people and trying to convince them to take a shot on a LITRPG that deals with mental health. Overall reception of it looked good for the few days of the con. Multiple people came back and said they'd gotten into it and were enjoying it. That might be what helped start pushing the sales and page reads up, either way I'm calling it good.
I also met some really great people who have their inaugural LITRPGs coming out soon via Legion Publishing. Rachel Ni Chic and Jack Fields, lovely Irish folk who put up with me for days. I could go on about all the other great people, but I'll keep it to the Irish.
Next con for me is DragonCon, back in Atlanta at the end of August and start of September. I'll be bringing the other 200 copies of HC with me, so if you want one and are there... pay attention to what I'll be doing.
And last bit of news May is a big month for notable dates for me. May 10th is my 7th year on Patreon...good gods that's been a bit. May 21 will be my 6th year as a full-time author anniversary. I'll be doing a contest on Facebook and Discord for the full-time anniversary, so stop by those places this month and enter to win challenge coins, or maybe you'll get lucky enough to win one of the coveted cameo spots. Maybe you'll join Sarinia and Matt Dinniman in the series, or you might end up killed in grisly fashion by Zander...enter, win, and get lucky to pick that prize to find out.
And that's it folks, I'll see you again in June.
Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books