Friday, February 28, 2025

March 2025

 Well fuck you very much 2025.
This year has opted for the nuclear option for my family. We lost a family member on the last day of February. So before I get into the normal blog stuff, I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone of something.
Take a moment and appreciate your loved ones.
You never know what life is going to do, and at times that means profound loss. So stop and give them a hug, a kiss, a kind word of love. Just appreciate your loved ones and let them know you love them.
My thoughts are with my sister and her kids as she deals with what has happened.

Honestly the rest of the blog just doesn't seem as important now. I'll still give you the recaps and upcoming news, but I'm just not feeling it.

LV9 came out right at the start of February and did...not good. It missed the mark for covering debts. Not surprising as the last three books were dropping off faster and faster, but it still stings to know the last book went out with a whimper for the fans.
The audio of LV8 and LV9 are going to be recorded this month and into next. I'll update next month once I know more.

Aether's 10 is slated for April 1st, and no it's not a joke.
It was a good one to write, and I think is either the shortest AR or the 2nd shortest.
Book 11 will see some time skips and might likely see the ending of the Kroggian posting...maybe. We'll find out once Greg tells me.

After AR10 we get to HC3. I know a lot of people are looking forward to more HC. It'll be a good one and I know people will be shocked at least once.

As for myself I'll be starting in on AL5. Zander has a mission from the Assembly and friends to help do the impossible. It's going to be interesting to see how it goes down.

That's pretty much it.
I'll be at the LITRPG-Con in Denver during July. If you look for it, you can find the website and info for it.
I'll also be going back to DragonCon in August-September.

Until next month, make sure to stay safe, and to love your loved ones.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Saturday, February 1, 2025

February 2025

 Well, here we the 2020's really need some help.
Let's get to good talk about books.

This month has seen the release of the last book in the Luck's Voice series. Luck's Voice 9: Blessed Nations was released on preorder on the 1st of this month. Doc's story comes to its conclusion as he does something he never wanted to politics.
Here's the link:
Blessed Nations (Luck's Voice Book 9) - Kindle edition by Schinhofen, Daniel. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

A comment about audio, Andie has told me we're still on track for her to record LV8 at the end of this month. She'll then follow LV8 with recording LV9. That should mean late March or early April should see the audio for LV finish up as well.

Since LV is now done, that means the rotation now drops from 4 series to 3 series. The next book will be Aether's 10, then Heavenly 3, before we get to Antecedents 5. Aether's is currently slated for April 1st, and no that's not an April Fool's joke. I'm trying to move to a book every 2 months on the 1st. Aether's as they tend to go long might mean we miss the mark, but we'll be doing our best to hit it. I won't put up a preorder until I know we can meet the date.

I've already started writing Aether's 10, and man it's going to be so spoilers but I love the hell out of the book and series. There is so much for you to look forward to and I can't wait for it to happen. A couple of months and you'll understand.

Once I finish writing AR10 I'll actually be moving onto AL5, because HC3 has already been written. For those hoping I'll shift the schedule, it isn't happening, but June 1st will see you with CH3 in your hands. You'll all have a few answers to things you've likely been curious about in the series, but it just means more questions.

I think that's about it for updates. The next live chat is the 15th at 6pm Pacific this month. Come and hang out and get the chance to win one of the challenge coins. They're live on Twitch for those who want to show up.

Oh wait, some people did ask me. AL4 actually took the record for top sales spot for the series. It did more for the 1st month then the first 3 books did for their respective months. Not often a book 4 outshines the rest of the series, normally you see a drop off not a swing up. I'm gratified and happy that so many people jumped in with Zander and gang. IF you've read it you know what's coming and if you're waiting on audio, that's in Podium schedule. I don't know when they plan to have it recorded or put up for sale yet, but I will update once I know.

That's it, so stay safe out there and I'll see you in March.
Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2025

 Here we are January 1st of 2025...can this be the year to break the Dumpster Fire 20's?

Well let's focus on good news like books, shall we?
First off, we just published Antecedents' Legacy 4: Antecedents' Assembly. It went out on Dec 23rd, and looks to be in line with the rest of the series, possibly even bumping things up a little. Sounds like good news for Badger on his war with the Entoma.
The audio for it is likely to be a bit out as it's a Podium book and had to be scheduled with them. I'll of course tell you more when i know more.

Speaking of audio though we have a firm preorder now for HC2...

Also on the audio front we should see LV8 being recorded in February. Even better news if things go right LV9 will be getting recorded right after it.

Luck's Voice 9: Blessed Nations will be the last book of the series and is hopefully going to publish on February 1st. This is going to run tight into my new release schedule, but it looks like we'll pull it off without trouble. Not sure if I'll get a preorder up for it though.

After Luck's Voice 9, it'll be Aether's 10. I'm hopeful to hit the new release schedule of April 1st. But if things run long with it we might end up bumping it into April past the 1st.

Then after AR10, it'll be HC3. And that'll start the 3 series rotation going forward of AL, AR, HC.
It's going to be a different year for me. The start is going to be a little more frenetic as I wrap a series and shift to a 3-book rotation. It's more the set release dates that'll do it more than anything else, but I have a lot of hope for things to work out.

On other news, my conventions are just the LITRPG in Denver, DragonCon in Atlanta, and the reader day at the Author Nation in Vegas. I stepped out of JordanCon this year as between life and the new schedule it was looking too busy for me to juggle the con in there too. Sucks as I will miss the good people I met there, but life is life. The only plus side of missing it is my allergies won't try to murder me, as spring in Atlanta nearly did last year.

For those who want to try hitting the live chat this month it'll be the 15th at 2pm pacific time. Hope to see you there for the chance at free loot.

Until next month, stay safe and let's hope this year breaks the trend of the decade.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 2024

 Ahh we've made it to the end of the year...Thank fucking god. I swear this year has been a trainwreck on so many levels for me. But let's get to book stuff.

Firstly we should cover that HC2: Fighting Past Pain came out right at the end of October. It went right in line with what HC1 did, a small drop off but that happens. Overall it looks like you all still love Ben's story and that makes me excited. I have so much to tell in his story and I can't wait to get to all of it.
Staying on HC2, but going to audio...Andie has already recorded HC2 and it's been handed off to Podium. Once they give me a date for it and the preorder I'll pass that news along.

On the audio front we should also mention that AR9: Empire's Orders is out on Audible now. If you failed to follow any of my social media-Discord, Facebook, X- or my mailing list, you should think of joining one or more to stay up to date on when things come out.

Honestly though with me moving to publishing books on the 1st of every even month, it'll mostly be a when audio comes out. Yes, I'm moving to a 3-book rotation and publishing on the 1st day of every even month starting next year. February, April, June, August, October, and December will all see books from me if this works. It should make it easier on my editors and for scheduling potential releases with Andie.

Okay coming up news...This month will see Antecedents' Legacy 4: Antecedents' Assembly come out near the end of the month. This is the last book before the shift to the new schedule, so I can't give a firm date but expect near Christmas.

February will See Luck's Voice 9: Blessed Nations get its farewell book. That is going to be the end of the series, and man it's been a ride so far. I'm in the process of writing it now, and there's so much time and ground to cover. I've added in-world dates to the chapters so you can keep better track of the time skips. I might be doing this with other books going forward to make it easier to keep track of.
On a side note, Andie believes she might be able to get LV8 and LV9 audio done in February as well. Which would mean we might see the audio finish in March depending on editing and such. That would also catch us back up on the whole audio schedule...I think...Not sure where Podium has AL4 audio being recorded at the moment.

Okay that's it for news about books right now. But let me touch on Conventions for next year in case you wanted to plan for them.
LITRPG-Con in Denver July 18-20
DragonCon in Atlanta Aug 28- Sept 1
Reader Nation in Vegas November ?

That should make it easier for people. Happy holidays, where that's Christmas, Yule, or any other. There's enough vitriol and hate int he world already, let's try being kind to each other.

Until next month, stay safe. See you in 2025.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Friday, November 1, 2024

 Holy shitballs it's already November?

Okay, uhm yeah way slower and far faster than I thought the year was going. Let's dive into book news.

First off Heavenly Chaos 2 just came out a few days ago. Ben and Atropos go off to the mock-war and tournament. There's more in there, but the book is heavy on combat. Which is why the one review that calls the book 85% filler was really odd, I don't know what that guy was smoking.
As of me writing this the preorder had helped lift the opening ranking numbers into the top 20 on Amazon. Which is amazing and really helps push the book out to more people. Reviews are another big metric, so please drop one when you finish reading. Fighting Past Pain (Heavenly Chaos Book 2) eBook : Schinhofen, Daniel: Kindle Store

There's the link for the book to make it easier for you to find.

In audio news: LV8 is still in limbo waiting for an opening in Andie's schedule. She'll get it in, it's just a matter of waiting. ON the other hand AR9 audio has been recorded and is in processing. I'd expect we hand it off to ACX by the end of the month, so it should be in your hands before the end of the year. I will of course update the social media spots when things move forward.
Audio for HC2 is with Podium and they arranged for it to be on Andie's schedule, I think it's being recorded in November. But again that's out of my hands and is a Podium scheduling thing.

Now that let's me talk about Antecedents' Legacy 4 which is getting preview chapters on Patreon now. It was a super fun book to write. I love Zander and the people around him, and I hope you do to. That book will be coming out before the end of the year. The series is ticking along just how I hoped it would, and there is a lot of fun coming up.

But I'm past that and currently writing Luck's Voice 9. It'll be the final book in the Luck series, and will feature dates with some chapters to help you better see the time skips that are happening. I wanted to try something new and it fits here so you can better visualize the passing of time. Always bittersweet when a series ends, but I'm glad we got to see it come to its conclusion naturally.

Luck's will also be when I shift my schedule. It starts my new rotation of publishing on the 1st day of every even month. February 1st, April 1st, June 1st, August 1st, October 1st, and December 1st. You'll always have an easy time of knowing when the next book is coming out this way as I shift to a 3 book rotation: AR, HC, AL.
When AL finally ends then I'll pull out a new story and add it into the rotation. That's my plan, we'll see what life says about it. I will of course say if anything changes my plans.

The last big piece of news is the Author Nation convention in Vegas this month. I will be there on the RAVE day on November a5th to sign books. There is a door charge, but you can also prebuy books so they will be there for me to sign for you. I'll drop a link below, along with some limited discount codes. Those codes reduce the door cost so you can grab another book or two if you want. Once they're used they are gone, so if you're going use it quick.
RAVE 2024 Tickets

  - Silver Ticket Giveaway: VIPSILVERDS24
     (Value: $250)
   - General Admission Tickets: VIPGADS24
     (Value: $25 each)

That's it from me. I'll see you in December...good gods the year is almost over.

Stay safe out there, and see you next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 2024

 Sorry for the lateness here. The start of the month has been busy for me. Let's jump in shall we?

First off, old news: AR9 came out last month, this time I went with a preorder to see how it affected sales rankings on Amazon. I hit as the top 8 overall in the kindle store. Which was amazing and might get me to do 2-week preorders in the future. The downside was the quicker drop off in the store over the first week, but everything has to have a downside.
Still AR has done what I always expect Aether's to do, holding as my best-selling series. I won't have my 1st 30-day numbers until later this month, but I fully expect it to sit right alongside it's brethren. And I look forward to continuing the story when it comes back around in rotation.

Still on Aether's news, the audio book is going to start being recorded this month. Andie will do her best as always, but that still pushes it to a December release...probably.
And for those asking about audio for LV8. I had to make a choice between series here, and honestly AR is my flagship, while LV is coming to a close. Andie will get to LV8, but it was the one that got bumped around due to scheduling issues. No ETA on it being recorded at this time, but we will get there eventually.

The next book up is Heavenly Chaos 2: Fighting Past Pain. The preview chapters have started up on Patreon already. The current release date was mid-November, but as I've done in the past, I'll be looking to shift it up.
That does bring up a point of scheduling though, so let me address it now. Starting next year, I'll be shifting to a 3-book rotation when LV ends with the next book. This will let me get 2 books per series out every year going forward. As with all things this will be new-ish, as I've done 4 books for years now. If I find I need a 4-book rotation then I'll go back to that, but I'm going to stick with the every 2-month schedule instead of trying to push them out as fast as possible.
The schedule will be every even month on the 1st. This will make it far easier for you to know when the new book is coming out, and easier for me and my editors to plan around. It'll give us a little more wiggle room to get things lined up, but also give us a firmer deadline. I hope it works out.

For those who read that last bit the schedule for this year going into next looks like... HC2, AL4, LV9, AR10, HC3, AL5, AR11, HC3... and repeat until AL ends, because out of all my current series-besides LV- it is the most likely one to end next.
I have series waiting to be released, but no idea yet which one exactly I'll drop into the slot when it opens up. I've considered retooling my Grafting Demons series to drop dungeons out of it, so I can run it alongside HC without having 2 dungeon-esque stories going at the same time. The undercurrent of the story would work without the dungeons so I think it should be fine.

That is all the book stuff for now. I can say that the giveaways for my 8-years published were a success at this point. Over 100 people entered on Facebook and nearly 100 did on Discord. I'll be contacting the winners and giving out their prizes in the coming week.

Okay last thing to touch on, as it's right around the corner. The Author Nation convention in Vegas this November. I will be there on the Friday for the Rave, the Reader-author meet and greet plus book signing that is happening. I have a few discount codes for people attending. Message me on Facebook or Discord to get one of the codes, I only have a few so please only message me if you are going.

Okay that's it for now, I'll see you in November.
Stay safe out there, and see you next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 2024

 Holy fucking hell, we made it through eight months already. I swear it was just February. Fuck it onto the post.

Okay let's start with the big news. Dragon Con by now is basically over. Not sure how many of you made it there or met up with me, but I'm sure if you tried, we managed it. I love the Con and will have more to say next month about it.

As for books...Our last book published was LV8: Emerita Divided. The story is one book away from finish, which is bittersweet. It's great to make it to the end of what I saw in my head when I started. But it's sad because book 8 was a big step down on the business side of things. With only book 9 to go, it's fine to finish it off as it should be. Besides the end of a series normally sees a pick-up in sales as completed series brings back people who put it down earlier.
Doc's story had a lot of fun in it. Incidentally I had a panel at Dragon Con about weird westerns. Hope it was a good panel, I won't know until after this post is published.

Of course what your all wondering is about AR's release date... Some of you probably noticed but it went up on Preorder on the 27th. So go and grab it if you want. It'll release on September 11th. I didn't want to do it over Con week as if something goes wrong, I can't fix it. And I didn't want to do it right after because I might be fighting off con-crude or CoVid. So, I settled on the 11th, which is still 2 weeks sooner than my last estimate.
Here's your link...

Next up on the docket after AR publishes is HC2. Wow I've been eager to get this book out. Ben and Atropos off to the mock-war and delving tournament. With enemies behind them, and a single group of friends that might be able to help. Lots of theroies hit the Discord server chat group. And Patreon readers will start seeing those chapters on September 12th. The release date stays currently at November 25th, but...well we know how I am about early releases.

As for audio:
Podium put up the preorder for Antecedents' legacy 3: Terran Tactics.

As for LV8 audio:
We'll be getting it recorded and out when it's possible, but it's going to be fitting it into Andie's schedule because of my fuck-up on informing her about it. So bear with us as we work through when it can be managed.

I think that's it for now. Stay safe, and hopefully see you next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books