Thursday, October 3, 2024

October 2024

 Sorry for the lateness here. The start of the month has been busy for me. Let's jump in shall we?

First off, old news: AR9 came out last month, this time I went with a preorder to see how it affected sales rankings on Amazon. I hit as the top 8 overall in the kindle store. Which was amazing and might get me to do 2-week preorders in the future. The downside was the quicker drop off in the store over the first week, but everything has to have a downside.
Still AR has done what I always expect Aether's to do, holding as my best-selling series. I won't have my 1st 30-day numbers until later this month, but I fully expect it to sit right alongside it's brethren. And I look forward to continuing the story when it comes back around in rotation.

Still on Aether's news, the audio book is going to start being recorded this month. Andie will do her best as always, but that still pushes it to a December release...probably.
And for those asking about audio for LV8. I had to make a choice between series here, and honestly AR is my flagship, while LV is coming to a close. Andie will get to LV8, but it was the one that got bumped around due to scheduling issues. No ETA on it being recorded at this time, but we will get there eventually.

The next book up is Heavenly Chaos 2: Fighting Past Pain. The preview chapters have started up on Patreon already. The current release date was mid-November, but as I've done in the past, I'll be looking to shift it up.
That does bring up a point of scheduling though, so let me address it now. Starting next year, I'll be shifting to a 3-book rotation when LV ends with the next book. This will let me get 2 books per series out every year going forward. As with all things this will be new-ish, as I've done 4 books for years now. If I find I need a 4-book rotation then I'll go back to that, but I'm going to stick with the every 2-month schedule instead of trying to push them out as fast as possible.
The schedule will be every even month on the 1st. This will make it far easier for you to know when the new book is coming out, and easier for me and my editors to plan around. It'll give us a little more wiggle room to get things lined up, but also give us a firmer deadline. I hope it works out.

For those who read that last bit the schedule for this year going into next looks like... HC2, AL4, LV9, AR10, HC3, AL5, AR11, HC3... and repeat until AL ends, because out of all my current series-besides LV- it is the most likely one to end next.
I have series waiting to be released, but no idea yet which one exactly I'll drop into the slot when it opens up. I've considered retooling my Grafting Demons series to drop dungeons out of it, so I can run it alongside HC without having 2 dungeon-esque stories going at the same time. The undercurrent of the story would work without the dungeons so I think it should be fine.

That is all the book stuff for now. I can say that the giveaways for my 8-years published were a success at this point. Over 100 people entered on Facebook and nearly 100 did on Discord. I'll be contacting the winners and giving out their prizes in the coming week.

Okay last thing to touch on, as it's right around the corner. The Author Nation convention in Vegas this November. I will be there on the Friday for the Rave, the Reader-author meet and greet plus book signing that is happening. I have a few discount codes for people attending. Message me on Facebook or Discord to get one of the codes, I only have a few so please only message me if you are going.

Okay that's it for now, I'll see you in November.
Stay safe out there, and see you next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 2024

 Holy fucking hell, we made it through eight months already. I swear it was just February. Fuck it onto the post.

Okay let's start with the big news. Dragon Con by now is basically over. Not sure how many of you made it there or met up with me, but I'm sure if you tried, we managed it. I love the Con and will have more to say next month about it.

As for books...Our last book published was LV8: Emerita Divided. The story is one book away from finish, which is bittersweet. It's great to make it to the end of what I saw in my head when I started. But it's sad because book 8 was a big step down on the business side of things. With only book 9 to go, it's fine to finish it off as it should be. Besides the end of a series normally sees a pick-up in sales as completed series brings back people who put it down earlier.
Doc's story had a lot of fun in it. Incidentally I had a panel at Dragon Con about weird westerns. Hope it was a good panel, I won't know until after this post is published.

Of course what your all wondering is about AR's release date... Some of you probably noticed but it went up on Preorder on the 27th. So go and grab it if you want. It'll release on September 11th. I didn't want to do it over Con week as if something goes wrong, I can't fix it. And I didn't want to do it right after because I might be fighting off con-crude or CoVid. So, I settled on the 11th, which is still 2 weeks sooner than my last estimate.
Here's your link...

Next up on the docket after AR publishes is HC2. Wow I've been eager to get this book out. Ben and Atropos off to the mock-war and delving tournament. With enemies behind them, and a single group of friends that might be able to help. Lots of theroies hit the Discord server chat group. And Patreon readers will start seeing those chapters on September 12th. The release date stays currently at November 25th, but...well we know how I am about early releases.

As for audio:
Podium put up the preorder for Antecedents' legacy 3: Terran Tactics.

As for LV8 audio:
We'll be getting it recorded and out when it's possible, but it's going to be fitting it into Andie's schedule because of my fuck-up on informing her about it. So bear with us as we work through when it can be managed.

I think that's it for now. Stay safe, and hopefully see you next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 2024

 Here we are in August, goodness gracious the year is flying along.

So old news first Luck's Voice 8: Emerita Divided came out on the 17th of July. Doc's tale is rapidly coming to an end now. Book 9 will see LV close out. If you read the book you can see where the series is going for the end, and if you're waiting on's gonna be a bit, but we'll get there.
Here is the link to the book if you haven't gotten to it yet.
Emerita Divided (Luck's Voice Book 8) - Kindle edition by Schinhofen, Daniel. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

Now onto the next thing to talk about...Aether's Revival 9: Empire's Orders. Which will see us rejoin Gregory and company after the festival to Krog. Lots to see and do there, and that title surely isn't ominous at all...right?
I can't wait for you all to dig into more of the story when it comes out. Current release date marks it for September 25th, but as always I will try to get it out sooner than that.
For the truly impatient Patron is getting chapters of it already. Depending on what tier you back will unlock how many chapters you get.

I've already moved onto the next book to write, which since HC2 was done, meant I started in on HC3, because of my rotation. So much fun to write Ben, Atropos, and Sadie. My editors are working on polishing Ar9 and then will get to HC2, so it's coming just not as quick as you'd like probably.

After I finish that it'll be time to switch back to AL4. Zander did some amazing things in the last book and the ripples of that will begin to wash across the Assembly. But on top of that some very poignant character moments for some favorites are right around the corner too. So much waiting to be touched upon. I can't wait to see how things go.

Which will eventually see us brought back around to the last of the Luck's Voice series. For those wondering about what will take the place of LV... I'm not sure. I've considered dropping the rotation to 3 books, which would mean 2 books per series per year. Or I'll find soemthing else to fill that slot and keep going as I am. I got at least 8 months before that becomes something for me to worry about so I have time.

For those looking for just audio news... I got nothing new.
AL3 is with Podium, but I don't have a preorder date for it yet.
LV8 will get recorded by Andie when it comes up in her schedule.

The last of the big news for the month is DragonCon at the end of August. There is going to be an officially sanctioned LITRPG event this year. BAd news for people, you have to attend the con for it. Good news is you can get a single day pass to make that happen. It'll be on Sunday September 1st at 7pm-9:30 pm EST. I'll be there for the first part of it, but have made plans for dinner before the event ends so if you want to find me for it, come early.
I can say I am placing a set of challenge coins up for the silent auction. So if you want a full set, (Minus HC), you'll have a chance to bid on getting it.
Not sure I'll have things beside badge ribbons to give out, but we'll see.

See you all next month...or at the Con.

Stay safe until next time.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Monday, July 1, 2024

July 2024

 Here we are with half the year gone and the summer heat crisping the entire country. Hopefully things cool off by the end of August or I'm going to melt when I go to DragonCon.

Let's hit the old news first. Antecedents' Legacy 3: Terran Tactics came out at the tail end of May. There was drop off from book 2, but that might have been because I hadn't run a preorder like I had for book 2. It wasn't a big drop off so nothing to worry about on that front. I'm really looking to what happens in book 4 when things start to snowball from the actions in book 3. Between Zander's love life looking like it's about to grow further, plus the Assembly going to want to talk with him, it's going to be a busy book.
As for the audio, there was a small snafu there, because it runs through Podium and we're working out the small bumps with that, they didn't have AL3 slated for audio like they normally would. Andie was amazing in moving her schedule around as much as she could, so it'll come and far sooner than it looked originally, but it's going to be delayed more than was optimal.

Now onto the new. Luck's Voice: Emerita Divided will be coming out this month. I just moved the date up to July 25th, and will hopefully be able to shift it forward again in the near future. It's going to be a wild ride, especially if you consider the title. I can say that book 9 will end the series and it'll land right in line with my original prediction on the conclusion. It's going to be a crazy ride to get there, but Doc has never wavered from his path.
Now the bad news the audio for LV8 will be delayed even further out. Andie did the best she could, but we might be looking toward the end of the year or even next year for the audio for it. We've gone over what my publishing schedule is looking to be for the rest of the year and into the next, to do our best to not run into a similar problem again. But please bear with us over the short term as we get things evened out.

Onto the future news. After LV8 will come Aether's 9: Empire's Orders. The Patreon chapters will start up when LV8 publishes but that's looking like the end of the month. So if you want the preview chapters you know when to go, but if you want to save some cash, wait for August 1st before going to Patreon for those.
Gregory and family left a lot on the table at the end of book 8. And for those who were hoping for the meeting of the gods in a chapter or two more, it takes a bit longer than that. There was a lot that had to take place after the festival, and the start of the book will show that. Where book 9 ends also wraps up nicely while also leaving a big new thing to look forward to.
I'd put the estimated date for AR9 at October 2nd currently, but as always, I will move it up if things allow.

Then to just mention that Heavenly Chaos 2 will be after Aether's. Ben and Atropos were left waiting for the shuttle to take them to the mock-war. It's going to be a blast as they do their best to take the top spot, while dealing with tricks and traps that will try to pull them down. I don't want to say to much...but, man was it amazing to write.

For those wondering the July Live chat will be on the 15th at 6pm Pacific time. Join us over on twitch for your chance to win one of the series coins.

Stay safe until next time.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 2024

 Here we are in June already, good gods things have been busy for me. But let's get to book stuff.

First off we just published Antecedents' Legacy 3: Terran Tactics. Zander is back with more hijinks, I hope he doesn't do anything too crazy. For those who've already read it in the few days it's been out, I hope you enjoyed it. Andie will be handling the audio for it when it comes up in her other words, eventually. Please wait patiently.
Antecedents' Legacy 3: Terran Tactics

Okay, next up with chapters already starting on Patreon in Luck's Voice 8: Emerita Divided. Which will bring us to the next to last book for Doc's story. Book 8 was a lot of fun to write, even if it does touch on some uncomfortable situations. I mean the title kind of gives you a big clue.
Having written it I can say for certain though that book 9 will finish the series. Once you read it you'll understand what is happening and where the series is going to finish. Spoilers so I'll stop there, but man what a ride.

For those wondering following LV8 is of course Aether's Revival 9. No title for it yet but we all know what is coming for Greg and family, or at least part of it. For those who complained about needing just a few more chapters in book 8. You still wouldn't have gotten what you wanted. But the meeting does come, so look forward to it.
Of course life isn't easy and uncomplicated, especially for a reborn god. Which means we'll see some interesting twists and turns along the way. I'm about done with it, so the editors can get it in the queue. I can say thought that it'll be memorable. I'm really excited for what Greg's already told me is coming in book 10, but again spoilers.

That will bring me around to Heavenly Chaos. While book 2 is already written and waiting it's turn in edits. I'll be writing book 3, to stay ahead of the curve. I am flattered at how much you all loved HC1. I can't wait for you to read HC2, or for me to write HC3. Things get a little clearer, while other matters are still occluded from sight. The spoiler channel for the 6 weeks after book 1 was fun, as people kept debating what Be's bloodline might be.
I can say it'll be interesting when you all see more hints of his bloodline, but also we get to know about Atropos'. I was shocked when she told me what hers was, I didn't see it coming. Sadie's isn't a terrible surprise, but is still a little bit of a twist. Man so much to tell in the series I can't wait.

As for Audio, HC1 is up on preorder already. Link below. Publishing on 6-18-24.
Andie will be recording AL3 when she can. I will say there was a bit of a snafu with Podium over scheduling. We've managed to get Al3 inserted, but it'll likely bump recording back for a bit again. For my audiophiles. Please be patient we are doing our best.

That wraps up all the book news. My next convention is DragonCon in August-September held in Atlanta. I'll give more details in the coming months. But hope to see some of you there. My last convetion of the year is going to be Author Nation in Vegas. The meet and greet is called Rave and will be on November 15th. Anyone who makes it will be able to find me easily, more details on that later too.

Stay safe out there, and see you next month.
Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 2024

 Wow we've made it to May. Let's hope the year keeps rolling smoothly.

Let's jump into book news first. Heavenly Chaos 1: Heavenly Chaos came out last month on the 10th. I was nervous the first few days but it picked up and ran like a boss. It became my 2nd best book 1 ever. I'm stoked for doing more in the series, and am glad so many people enjoyed it.
Heavenly Chaos 1: Heavenly Chaos
I will tell you Andrea is already working on the audio, as it's going through Podium. They're working on getting a preorder up, so keep an eye on social media and Audible if you want to lock one in early. It seems the preorder is up, with a release on June 18th.

Since I was speaking of audio, let me inform you that Aether's Revival 8: Proven Strength is recorded and with ACX. Andie did amazing work, as she always does. It dropped yesterday, so wow...

Okay let's talk about what is coming up, Antecedents' Legacy 3: Terran Tactics is the next book coming out. As always it has chapters up on Patreon currently. The book is slated for June 17th, but will likely get pushed closer to the start of June as things progress.
AL3 gets us back with Zander riding high off winning the tournament, but not everything is going to be smooth for him. I'm looking forward to how everyone enjoys the twists and turns that are coming up. I can say that Zander does meet a Terran in this one, so be ready for Alt-Earth information.

I've already pushed on to Luck's Voice 8: Emerita Divided. Doc coming back to Emerita after his years in Tsarrus and Qin. If you expected to see those countries, I'm here to inform you that those years are recapped not shown on screen. LV has always been a western series for me so I wanted to keep it as focused on Emerita as I could. This book leads up to LV9 which will close the series out. I love it when the whole story gets to unfold, the unexpected moments here will be a shock for you.

Now while my editors work diligently on those I've just started on Aether's Revival 9. Not sure what the title will be yet, but Gregory has a lot on his plate right after book 8. It'll be a journey to see how he handles politics and the unexpected. I'm so stoked for it, I can't wait to dig into Greg's story more for him to tell me what the fuck he does next.

And then once I finish writing that it'll be back to Heavenly Chaos. Book 2 is already written and waiting for its turn in the editing queue, which means I'll jump into writing book 3. I can't wait to get back to benedict too, his story is just humming away in the back of my mind just waiting to be let loose again. Ben and Greg are just driven that way.

Okay that is all the book stuff, let me touch on a few other topics.
JordanCon was a success for the LITRPG community, and also for me. I took 500 books of Heavenly Chaos to give away, yes paperbacks. I managed to hand out 300 of them, so good for me. Drained me completely, talking to so many people and trying to convince them to take a shot on a LITRPG that deals with mental health. Overall reception of it looked good for the few days of the con. Multiple people came back and said they'd gotten into it and were enjoying it. That might be what helped start pushing the sales and page reads up, either way I'm calling it good.
I also met some really great people who have their inaugural LITRPGs coming out soon via Legion Publishing. Rachel Ni Chic and Jack Fields, lovely Irish folk who put up with me for days. I could go on about all the other great people, but I'll keep it to the Irish.
Next con for me is DragonCon, back in Atlanta at the end of August and start of September. I'll be bringing the other 200 copies of HC with me, so if you want one and are there... pay attention to what I'll be doing.

And last bit of news May is a big month for notable dates for me. May 10th is my 7th year on Patreon...good gods that's been a bit. May 21 will be my 6th year as a full-time author anniversary. I'll be doing a contest on Facebook and Discord for the full-time anniversary, so stop by those places this month and enter to win challenge coins, or maybe you'll get lucky enough to win one of the coveted cameo spots. Maybe you'll join Sarinia and Matt Dinniman in the series, or you might end up killed in grisly fashion by Zander...enter, win, and get lucky to pick that prize to find out.

And that's it folks, I'll see you again in June.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books

Monday, April 1, 2024

April 2024

 Oopsy, forgot to get this prepared ahead of time. Then again life has been bust for me on a personal level. Let's get to the books stuff shall we?

First off we're looking at the new series Heavenly Chaos launching this month. It'll hit Amazon by the 17th if not a little sooner. It's a western cultivation fantasy with some sci-fi elements, because why not fold a few things into a series. It'll follow the MC, Benedict as he finds himself thrust into the role of being a Sphere Holder, giving him the chance to climb toward the Heavens. But Benedict's life before he had a Sphere was...unpleasant...yeah that's say that, instead of torment and torture.
He'll be heading to secondary education to learn the basics and begin the process of delving Pockets to empower himself up the ranks. But what is a series with just a loner, not my series is what kind. Which is why we'll stay n brand in romance, but this time the relationships will be much smaller than any time before, minus Last Horizons. It'll be a three-person, or throuple, eventually and stay at that for the series. Reasons why unfold in the series.
I should note that it is a "SLOW BURN" romance, so you are warned ahead of time. Whether or not it'll be my usual style or a full "Fade-to-Black" is still up in the air. I'd like to hit a wider crowd, so am considering leaving it as FtB for the entire series. We'll see as the story unfolds.
The last thing of note is that it harkens back to mental health. As stated above Benedict's life has been shit before he became a Holder. Which means we'll see him trying to move forward even with massive trauma in his life. I don't think I do anything to graphic, but it should be noted that mental health and trauma are a key part of the series.

If you're going to ask audio, it'll be done through Podium, but with Andie as the narrator. So it'll take some time, but good news is that we still get Andie to do it.

Staying on audio for a moment, Aether's is with the audio editor. Which means I'll get it back this month, and then Andie will do corrections. If we're really lucky it'll drop by the end of the month, or if nor early-ish May.

As for what comes after Heavenly Chaos, well that's going to be Antecedents' Legacy 3: Terran Tactics. It's with the editors and was a lot of fun to write. It's a little shorter than normal, but still right in my usual range. I hope you are all looking forward to more Zander.

I've moved onto Luck's Voice 8: Emerita Divided. What a book to write, and the series isn't done yet. I can say for certain the series will end with book 9, reaching the conclusion I envisioned from the start. For those who were hoping for a few books in Tsarrus and Qin, I apologize, but that wasn't my vision for the series. We'll see a time skip to Doc returning to Emerita at the start of Book 8. Even then, I hope you enjoy a book that shows major movement in the country and beyond.

When I finish with Luck's Voice 8, I'll be moving onto Aether's Revival 9: title unknown at this point. I've been eager to get back to Gregory and family, as I know you are. There was a lot up in the air at the end of book 8, but don't expect a quick rush to the answers you are hoping for. I can tell you there's a lot more to get to before what was talked about right at the end of book 8.

That's the book and audio news, but there's another big thing this month.
I'm at JordanCon from April 19-21 in Atlanta.
They started a LITRPG book track this year and I was asked to attend, so I'm going. At least 4 panels for me to speak on, and if things work out, I'll have something new to hand out while I'm there. If not I'll feel bad, but I will have tried.

Okay that wraps up news about book stuff and cons for the month. I'll try not to be late on the blog next month.

Daniel Schinhofen
Schinhofen Books